Pastoral Care & Safeguarding

All adults working in or on behalf of PMBS have a responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

This includes: Providing a safe environment in which children can learn
Identifying children who may be in need of extra help and taking appropriate action Understanding how to identify and protect children who are suffering, or are likely to suffer, significant harm Our staff induction and training covers the aspirations of the school with regard to Safeguarding as well as expectations of staff. PMBS has robust systems in place, which support Safeguarding including a Designated Safeguarding Person, a Safeguarding Committee, a Staff Code of Conduct and other policies.

We believe that Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone in the PMBS family. All staff, volunteers, parents and guardians should raise any concerns they have about poor or unsafe practice or worries about a child’s safety.

PMBS does everything in its power to prevent people who pose a risk of harm working with our children. This includes Safer Recruitment policies such as checking of potential employees as well as arrangements for visitors and volunteers. There are procedures in place to handle allegations of abuse against staff.

There are systems in place for children to communicate concerns and staff will always act in the best interests of the child
