
All students participate in the house competitions that take place throughout the school year. Inline with the sustainable goals Our houses are named after the four Earth elements: Earth, Fire, Air and Water


How students earn points for their house?

Students can score house points by taking part in events, such as:

⦁ In-Class House Competitions – class teachers can host these within the class and you can win points as a team.
⦁ Whole-school House Competitions – Sports Days, Talent shows, Art Competitions etc. By taking part you will earn points for your team.
⦁ Spirit Days – Participation points for taking part in each spirit day.

Students earn house points for individual accomplishments or recognitions, such as:

⦁ Being principled and following the school rules
⦁ Being a risk-taker and challenging yourself
⦁ Being caring, kind and helpful
⦁ Demonstrating outstanding behaviour
⦁ Completing work that exceeds the teachers expectations