LOCATE US: United Arab Emirates
Rashidiya, Dubai

SCHOOL TIME: Monday to Thursday: 7.45 am –2.15 pm
Friday: 7.45 am –11.15 am
Saturday and Sunday- Closed

Curriculum Overview


The foundation stage programme at PMBS has been developed to ensure a holistic approach through a learning culture of purposeful play. The experiences of children have a continuity that allow for successful transition through considerate, developmental appropriate planning.

Teachers and assistants are responsive to the needs of children and seek out teaching moments that can be shared and explored to develop children’s learning. The promotion of language development underpins all our work and our children thrive in a communication rich environment. Children in FS experience learning both within and outside the classroom; they are active participants in exploring their world. The curriculum is enriched with opportunities for field trips, multimedia, guest visitors and peer buddies facilitate the connection beyond the classroom and into the real world.


Key Stage One encompasses Years 1 and 2. In keeping with our school ethos of a motivated and ambitious community, we believe our question-based curriculum, along with engaging and relevant contextual hooks, is key to our learner’s success. The teachers plan an enquiry-based approach to learning, building on the child-centred foundations set in the Early Years. Phonics and mathematics activities are provided every day and pupils further develop reading, writing and problem-solving skills. Each term an overarching question is presented such as ‘Will we always need trees?’ to make links between history, geography and science. Drawing upon the expertise of our subject specialists, our curriculum is enhanced by, sport, IT and art.

The children continue to study the question based British curriculum, bringing their learning to life through cross-curricular links and by developing their understanding of the world around them. Our teaching is child-centred yet promotes a strong sense of independence. Additional specialist teaching and learning opportunities are introduced at this stage, children have access to experiments in our science labs as well as residential excursions. Children take part in regional and international competitions in a variety of curriculum areas.

Technology plays a significant role in the Upper Primary School provision, with our students taking ownership of their learning and taking more responsibility for our POP, or Proof of Progress ethos. Students are expected to be able to articulate their learning and discuss their academic journey. This is often recorded and their digital learning journey makes this accessible by all stakeholders at any moment. To compliment this approach, we have Bring Your Own Device programme (BYOD) that will, once fully embedded, begin in Term 3 Year 3.

Once the children reach Year 6, they will begin their preparation for the next stage of their educational journey, developing their independent learning skills with a project based learning approach in preparation for Year 7 at PMBS

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